Mission Examination : आइसीएसई कक्षा 10वीं के छात्र CHEMISTRY का माडल पेपर हल कर आंसर की से करें मिलान

आइसीएसई बोर्ड परीक्षार्थियों के मार्गदर्शन के लिए दैनिक जागरण की ओर से माडल प्रश्नपत्र व प्रश्नपत्रों के उत्तर आनलाइन भी प्रकाशित किए जा रहे हैं। आज छात्र आइएससी की कक्षा 10 वीं के CHEMISTRY का माडल पेपर देखें और अभ्‍यास करें। उत्‍तर कुंजी भी यहीं देखी जा सकती है।

By Taruna TayalEdited By: Publish:Mon, 29 Nov 2021 09:15 PM (IST) Updated:Mon, 29 Nov 2021 09:15 PM (IST)
Mission Examination : आइसीएसई कक्षा 10वीं के छात्र CHEMISTRY का माडल पेपर हल कर आंसर की से करें मिलान
आइसीएसई कक्षा 10वीं के छात्रों के लिए CHEMISTRY का माडल पेपर।

ICSE Model Paper TERM 2 – 2021-22 CLASS X


IMPORTANT: You are required to mark only one option in all the multiple choice questions. If you mark more than one, you will be awarded 0 in that question.

General Instructions:

• Choose the correct option in each of the following questions

• All questions carry equal marks

• Each question is of one mark each

1. Each period in a periodic table ends with :

(a) An element with zero valence electron

(b) An element with extremely high electronegativity

(c) An element with extremely high ionisation energy

(d) An element with smallest size

2. A solution has a pH value of 8. What kind of a substance is it?

(a) Strong acid

(b) Strong base

(c) Weak acid

(d) Weak base

3. Electrical conductivity through electrons is a property of :

(a) Sodium chloride solution

(b) Hydrochloric acid in dilute solution

(c) Sodium metal

(d) All of the above are correct

4. A transition metal that can form colourless ion is :

(a) Sodium

(b) Copper

(c) Zinc

(d) Iron

5. Identify the correct statement :

(a) Electron Affinity decreases across a period from left to right

(b) Elements in the same period have similar chemical properties

(c) First period contains only gaseous elements

(d) Size of an atom is greater than its anion

6. ________ is a process when an atom or ion loses electrons.

(a) Reduction

(b) Ionisation Energy

(c) Oxidation

(d) Electron Affinity

7. The aq. solution of the compound which contains both ions and molecules is :

(a) Sulphuric acid

(b) Hydrochloric acid

(c) Nitric acid

(d) Acetic acid

8. The hydroxide which is soluble in excess of sodium hydroxide but not in excess of ammonium hydroxide :

(a) Lead hydroxide

(b) Ferrous hydroxide

(c) Zinc hydroxide

(d) Ferric hydroxide

9. Identify the correct statement :

(a) Carbon tetra chloride is a liquid but does not conduct electricity because of the absence of free electrons

(b) Aluminium is extracted from its aqueous oxide by electrolytic reduction and not by conventional reducing agents

(c) Ammonia is unionised in its gaseous state but in aqueous state it is a strong electrolyte

(d) A graphite anode is preferred to other inert electrode during electrolysis of fused lead bromide

10. The solution that can be used to distinguished between sodium hydroxide and ammonium hydroxide is :

(a) Ferrous sulphate

(b) Ferric sulphate

(c) Copper sulphate

(d) Red litmus solution

11. Which of the following element will attain stability after losing an electron?

(a) Helium

(b) Iodine

(c) Sodium

(d) Oxygen

12. An organic compound contains C=40% , H=6.7% , O=53.3%. the element with highest atomic ratio in this compound is :

(a) Carbon

(b) Hydrogen

(c) Oxygen

(d) All of the have same atomic ratio

*Atomic mass C-12 , H=1 , O=16

13. The elements of group VII A are strong _____ agents since they are _____ of electrons

(a) Reducing ,acceptor

(b) Reducing , donars

(c) Oxidising , acceptors

(d) Oxidising , donars

14. The element below sodium in the same group would be expected to have _____ electronegativity than sodium and the element above chlorine would be expected to have a _____ ionisation potential than chlorine.

(a) Lower , lower

(b) Lower , higher

(c) Higher , higher

(d) Higher , lower

15. What is observed during electrolysis of aqueous copper Sulphate solution using copper electrode?

(a) The blue colour of the solution gets discharged

(b) Size of cathode decreases

(c) Size of anode increases

(d) Reddish brown metal is deposited at cathode

16. The elements at the bottom of a group would be expected to show _____ metallic character than the elements at the top.

(a) More

(b) Less

(c) Equal to

(d) The above statement does not hold correct for all the groups so no definite relation can be identified.

17. Hydronium ion is formed when a molecule of water combines with:

(a) Hydrogen atom

(b) Hydrogen molecule

(c) Oxygen atom

(d) Proton

18. Choose the correct option from the choice given ?

Ionisation energy increases over a period from left to right because the :

(a) Atomic radius and nuclear charge increases

(b) Atomic radius and nuclear charge decreases

(c) Atomic radius increases and nuclear charge decreases

(d) Atomic radius decreases and nuclear charge increases

19. Which combination of atoms results in the formation of a polar covalent bond?

(a) H and H

(b) N and H

(c) Ca and Br

(d) Na and Cl

20. If empiriical formula weight of an organic compound is ‘x’ , molecular formula weight is ‘y’ , then the factor ‘n’ is related to ‘x’ and ‘y’ as “

(a) x . y = n

(b) n . x = y

(c) n. y = x

(d) n/x=y

21. which of the following compounds possess two lone pairs

(a) Ammonia gas

(b) Aqueous ammonia solution

(c) Water

(d) All acids

22. An example of mono basic acid is :

(a) Sodium hydroxide

(b) Calcium hydroxide

(c) Hydrochloric acid

(d) Sulphuric acid

23. Which element of the second period has the largest atomic size?

(a) Be

(b) Li

(c) B

(d) C

24. If the empirical formula of a compounds is CH and its vapour density is 39 , then the factor ‘n’ for this compound is :

(a) 3

(b) 6

(c) 2

(d) Cannot be calculated

*Atomic mass C-12 , H=1

25. Alkali which act as a weak base is :

(a) Sodium hydroxide

(b) Ammonium hydroxide

(c) Calcium hydroxide

(d) Potassium hydroxide

26. If the simplest ratio of C , H and O in a compound is 3.5 : 3 : 1 , then its Empirical formula will be :

(a) C3H3O1

(b) C4H3O1

(c) C7H6O2

(d) Cannot be calculated as the ratio cannot be in decimal.

27. Which of the following does not increases while moving in a group from top to bottom?

(a) Valence electron

(b) Atomic size

(c) Tendency to get oxidised

(d) Tendency to act as reducing agent

28. The percentage of water of crystallization in hydrated copper sulphate is :

(a) 26.5%

(b) 51.2%

(c) 36%

(d) 31.83%

*Cu=64 , H=1 , O = 16 , S=32

29. The passage of ____ through an electrolyte causes the ____ to migrate towards cathode.

(a) Electricity , anion

(b) Electrons , anion

(c) Electrons , cation

(d) Electricity , cation

30. The number of electron __________the anode is equal to number of electrons _____ the cathode

(a) Gained by , given by

(b) Given by , given by

(c) Gained by , gained by

(d) Given by , gained by

31. When sodium chloride salt is added to water it under goes “

(a) Electrolytic ionisation

(b) Ionisation

(c) dissociation

(d) Thermal dissociation

32. Acids when dissolved in water produce-

(a) Hydroxide ions and hydronium ions

(b) Hydride ions and hydronium ions

(c) Hydrogen ions

(d) Hydrogen and Hydroxide ions

33. Which of the following statement is incorrect with reference to electrolysis of acidulated water?

(a) It is an example of redox reaction

(b) It is an example of catalysis

(c) Oxygen is released at cathode and hydrogen is released as anode

(d) There is no change in colour during this reaction

34. Which of the following is not a base?

(a) Metallic oxide

(b) Metallic hydroxide

(c) Ammonium Hydroxide

(d) Sodium carbonate

35. Which of the following is not a condition required during electroplating?

(a) The article to be electroplated is always placed at cathode

(b) The metal to be plated on the article is always made anode

(c) A low current for smaller time should be used

(d) A direct current and not A.C current should be used

36. The property that decreases left to right across the periodic table is :

(a) Electron affinity

(b) Electro negativity

(c) Ionisation energy

(d) Metallic character

37. Following are the steps for calculation of empirical formula of an organic compound containing C=26.59% , H=2.22% , and rest Oxygen .Complete the table and answer the following questions.





















(i) The percentage composition ‘X’ of oxygen in the above organic compound is:

(a) 70.19

(b) 71.19

(c) 4.45

(d) 2.216

(ii) The atomic ratio ‘Y’ of oxygen in the above organic compound is :

(a) 2.216

(b) 2.22

(c) 4.45

(d) 71.19

(iii) The simplest ratio ‘Z’ of Carbon in the given organic compound is :

(a) 26.59

(b) 2.216

(c) 12

(d) 1

(iv) The empirical mass of the given organic compound is :

(a) 90

(b) 45

(c) 29

(d) Cannot be calculated 

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