Mission Examination : सीबीएसई कक्षा 10 वीं के छात्र SCIENCE का माडल पेपर हल कर आंसर की से करें मिलान

सीबीएसई बोर्ड परीक्षार्थियों के मार्गदर्शन के लिए दैनिक जागरण की ओर से माडल प्रश्नपत्र व प्रश्नपत्रों के उत्तर आनलाइन प्रकाशित किए जा रहे हैं। आज छात्र सीबीएसई की कक्षा 10 वीं के SCIENCE का माडल पेपर देखें और अभ्‍यास करें। आंसर की भी यहीं देखी जा सकती है।

By Parveen VashishtaEdited By: Publish:Wed, 24 Nov 2021 07:36 PM (IST) Updated:Wed, 24 Nov 2021 07:36 PM (IST)
Mission Examination : सीबीएसई कक्षा 10 वीं के छात्र SCIENCE का माडल पेपर हल कर आंसर की से करें मिलान
सीबीएसई कक्षा 10 वीं के छात्र SCIENCE का माडल पेपर हल कर आंसर की से करें मिलान

CBSE MODEL PAPER 2021-22 TERM I Science (086) Class : X

[M. M. : 40] [Time : 90 Min.]

General Instructions :-

(1) The question paper contains three Sections.

(2) Section A has 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions.

(3) Section B has 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions.

(4) Section C has 12 questions. Attempt any 10 questions.

(5) All questions cany equal mark.

(6) There is no negative marking.


Section-A consists of 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions from this section.

The first attempted 20 questions would be evaluated.

1 X, Y, Z are the three elements which undergo chemical changes according to the following equations:

1. X₂O3+2Y->Y₂O3+2X

2. 3ZSO4+2Y->Y₂SO4+3Z

3. 3ZO+2X->X₂O3+3Z

Which of the following elements is the most and the least reactive respectively?

(a) X,Y

(b) Y,Z

(c) X,Z

(d) None of the above pairing is correct

2 How the concentration of H3O+ is affected when a solution of acid is diluted?

(i) Its hydronium ion per unit volume decreases.

(ii) Its hydronium ion per unit volume increases.

(iii) pH will increase towards 7.

(iv) pH will remain constant.

a) Both i and iii

b) Only iii

c) Both i and iv

d) Only i

3 Reaction between X and Y, forms compound Z. X loses electron and Y gains electron. Which of the following properties is not shown by Z :

(i) Has high melting point

(ii) Soluble in kerosene

(iii) Conduct electricity in molten state

(iv) Has low boiling point

(a) i, iv

(b) ii, iii, iv

(c) ii, iv

(d) Only iv

4 Lead nitrate on heating forms solid lead oxide and nitrogen dioxide gas.

What is the colour of lead oxide and nitrogen dioxide :

(a) Yellow, Colourless

(b) Yellow, Brown

(c) White, Colourless

(d) Brown, Yellow

5 Which of the following combinations are correct ?

Natural source Acids

(i) Tomato Malic acid

(ii) Curd Lactic acid

(iii) Vinegar Acetic acid

(iv) Nettle sting Ethanoic acid

(a) (i), (ii)

(b) (iii), (iv)

(c) (ii), (iii)

(d) (i), (iv)

6 Match the following:

1 Acid P) copper (II) hydroxide

2 Base Q) potassium hydroxide

3 Alkali R) copper (II) sulphate

4 Salt S) aqueous solution of carbon dioxide

(a) 1-R, 2-P, 3-S, 4-Q

(b) 1-Q, 2-R, 3-S, 4-P

(c) 1-S, 2-P, 3-Q, 4-R

(d) 1-P, 2-Q, 3-S, 4-R

7 Identify the substance ‘X’ in the china dish which decomposes to a grey substance, which is used in black and white photography.

(a) NaBr

(b) NaCl

(c) CaCl₂

(d) AgCl

8 Which of the following metal oxide is/are amphoteric in nature?

i. Na₂O

ii. Mgo

iii. Al₂O3

iv. ZnO

(a) i and iii

(b) Only iii

(c) iii and iv

(d) Only iv

9 Which gas is evolved when Mn react with very dilute HN03

(a) NO2

(b) N2O

(c) H2

(d) O2

10 Identify A, B, C

(a) A-colourless, B- blue, C-Violet

(b) A- red, B – colourless, C- Yellow

(c) A- Colourless, B- Blue, C- Yellow

(d) A- Orange, B – Colourless, C- Red

11 Movement of food in oesophagus is due to:

(a) Concentration gradient

(b) Peristalsis

(c) Gravitational pull

(d) Villi

12 Where is the dirty blood in our body filtered?

(a) Heart

(b) Lungs

(c) Ureter

(d) Kidneys

13 Consider the figure given below; the given structure "X" is present in the throat to ensure that :

(a) the food passage does not collapse

(b) the air passage does not expand

(c) the air passage must collapse

(d) the air passage does not collapse

14 The blood has special cells which plug the leakage in the vessels by helping to clot the blood at the point of injury?

(a) RBC

(b) WBC

(c) Platelets

(d) Leucocytes

15 Besides the products of photosynthesis, the phloem transport :

(a) Cellulose and glycogen

(b) Lactose and starch

(c) Amino acids and sucrose

(d) Maltose and protein

16 Which of the following statements(s) is (are)true about respiration?

(i) During inhalation, ribs move inward and diaphragm is raised

(ii) In the alveoli, exchange of gases takes places i.e., oxygen from alveolar air diffuses into blood and carbon dioxide from blood into alveolar air

(iii) Haemoglobin has greater affinity for carbon dioxide than oxygen

(iv) Alveoli increase surface area for exchange of gases

(a) (i) and (iv)

(b) (ii) and (iii)

(c) (i) and (iii)

(d) (ii) and (iv)

17 A student focussed the image of a candle flame on a white screen using a convex lens. He noted down the position of the candle, screen and the lens as under :

Position of candle = 60.0cm

Position of convex lens = 80.0cm

Position of the screen = 100.0cm

The focal length of the convex lens is :

(a) 60cm

(b) 10cm

(c) -10cm

(d) 100 cm

18 A ray of light enters into benzene from air. If the refractive index of benzene is 1.50, then the percentage reduction in the speed of light on entering the benzene is :

(a) 66.6%

(b) 33.3%

(c) 3.33%

(d) 6.66%

19 The refractive indices of kerosene oil, water and turpentine oil are 1.44, 1.33 and 1.47 respectively. The speed of light will be maximum in

(a) Water

(b) Kerosene oil

(c) Turpentine oil

(d) equal in all

20 The magnification of a virtual image of object placed at 0.2 metre away from a lens is 0.5. This lens will be •

(a) A concave lens of focal length 0.1m

(b) A concave lens of focal length 0.2m

(c) A convex lens of focal length 0.1m

(d) A convex lens of focal length 0.2m

21 Select the correct statement about the centre of curvature of a mirror:

(a) The centre of curvature of a concave mirror lies infront of it

(b) The centre of curvature lies behind in case of a convex mirror

(c) The centre of curvature lies infront of a convex mirror

(d) Both (a) and (b) are correct

22 Which of the following ray diagrams is not correct ?

23 Which of the following diagrams correctly represents the passage of a ray of light through a concave lens?

24 Two convex lenses A and B are of same aperture and different thickness. Thickness of lens A is more than that of B. The lens having shorter focal length and more angle of convergence is :

(a) A has shorter focal length and more angle of convergence.

(b) B has shorter focal length and more angle of convergence.

(c) A has shorter focal length but B has more angle of convergence.

(d) B has shorter focal length but A more angle of convergence.


Section-B consists of 24 questions (SI. No. 2.5-48). Attempt any 20 questions from this section The first attempted 20 questions would be evaluated.

25 Rahul poured clear solution of test tube A and equal quantity of solution of test-tube B in a conical flask. Shook it well and kept undisturbed for sometime. After sometime, white precipitate settled down below a clear solution in the flask. Rahul forgot to write the name of the solution in the test tube A. What it can be :

Clear solution of NaCt(aq)

White precipitate of


(a) Barium sulphate

(b) Barium carbonate

(c) Sodium sulphate

(d) Sodium carbonate

26 The cooked food kept outside will be spoiled after sometime due to following reason?

(a) Its contains fibre

(b) The fats and oils are oxidized and they become rancid

(c) Cooked food consists lots of salt

(d) All of the above

27 In one of the industrial processes used for the manufacture of sodium hydroxide, a gas X is formed as by-product. The gas X reacts with lime water to give a compound Y which is used as an oxidising agent in chemical industry. The compound X and Y could be :

(a) H2 and NaHCO3 respectively

(b) CO2 and CaOC12 respectively

(c) C12 and CaOC12 respectively

(d) O2 and Na2CO3 respectively

28 Identify the elements P, Q, R, S •

(i) Element P is so reactive that it kept under oil.

(ii) Element Q is neither react with hot water nor with cold water.

(iii) Element R turns black on heating

(iv) Element S start floating on reaction with cold water.

29 Classify each of the following reactions :

30 Both the chemical reactions are accompanied by change in temperature. Which of the following pair is true on the basis of above reactions?

i) C6H12O6+602 6CO₂+6H₂O

ii) CaCO3  CaO+CO2

(a) i and ii both are exothermic

(b) i and ii both are endothermic

(c) i-exothermic,ii-endothermic

(d) i-endothermic,ii-exothermic

Question No. 31 to 35 consists of two statements, Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below :

(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

(b) Both A and R are true and R is the not correct explanation of A

(c) A is true but R is false.

(d) A is false but R is true.



Left ventricle of heart has a thicker wall than that of the right ventricle .


Left ventricles need to pump blood to nearby lungs only.



The aqueous solutions of glucose and alcohol do not show acidic character.


Aqueous solutions of glucose and alcohol give OH- ions in water.



The star appears slightly higher {above} than its actual position when viewed near the horizon.


The starlight , on entering the earth’s atmosphere undergoes refraction continuously before it reaches the earth.



Metals when treated with acid produces hydrogen gas.


Metal have a tendency to lose electron which reduces H+ to hydrogen gas.


36 Scattering of light causes:

(a) blue colour of sky and the reddening of the sun at sunrise and sunset.

(b) blue colour of sky and the apparent flattening of sun’s disc at sunrise and sunset.

(c) Blue colour of sky and advance sunrise and delayed sunset

(d) Formation of rainbow and formation of images in lenses

37 Anaerobic process :

(a) takes place in the presence of oxygen.

(b) produce only energy in the muscles of human beings

(c) produces ethanol, oxygen and energy

(d) take place in yeast during fermentation

38 All fungi are

(a) Parasites

(b) Heterotrophs

(c) Symbiont

(d) Saprophytes

39 Name the carbohydrate which is selectively reabsorbed in the renal tubule of kidney:

(a) Starch

(b) Lipids

(c) Amino acids

(d) Glucose

40 Exchange of gases in lungs occur through:

(a) Active transport

(b) Passive transport

(c) Simple diffusion

(d) Osmosis

41 The Figure shown below represents an activity to prove the requirements for photosynthesis. During this activity, two healthy potted plants were kept in the dark for 72 hours. After 72 hours, KOH is kept in the watch glass in setup X and not in setup Y. Both these setups are air tight and have been kept in light for 6 hours. Then, Iodine Test is performed with one leaf from each of the two plants X and Y.

Which of the following statements shows the correct results of Iodine Test performed on the leaf from plant X and Y respectively ?

(a) Blue-black colour would be obtained on the leaf of plant X and no change in colour on leaf of plant Y.

(b) Blue-black colour would be obtained on the leaf of plant Y and no change in colour on leaf of plant X.

(c) Red colour would be obtained on the leaf of plant X and brown colour on the leaf of plant Y.

(d) Red colour would be obtained on the leaf of plant Y and brown colour on the leaf of plant X.

42 During dispersion of white light by glass prism, green colour bends as compared to orange colour because:

(a) Speed of green colour is less than that of orange colour

(b) Wavelength of green colour is less than that of orange colour

(c) Refractive index offered by glass prism is more for green colour as compared to orange colour

(d) (a), (b), (c) are all true

43 A convex lens of short focal length bends the light rays through

(a) large angles, by focussing them closer to the optical centre.

(b) small angles, by focussing them closer to the optical centre.

(c) large angles, by focussing them away from optical centre.

(d) small angles, by focussing them away from optical centre.

44 While performing the experiment to trace the path of a ray of light passing through a glass prism, four students marked the incident ray and the emergent ray in their diagrams in the manner shown below:

The correct path of the rays has been shown by:

(a) I

(b) II

(c) III

(d) IV

45 Four statements are written below which are the general rules for drawing ray diagrams in case of lenses. Select the incorrect statements:

(l) A ray of light from the object, parallel to the principal axis, after refraction from a concave lens, passes through the principal focus on the other side of the lens.

(Il) A ray of light appearing to meet at the principal focus of a convex lens, after refraction, will emerge parallel to the principal axis.

(Ill) A ray of light passing through a principal focus, after refraction from a convex lens, will emerge parallel to the principal axis.

(IV) A ray of light passing through the optical centre of a lens will emerge without any deviation.

(a) Both (I) and (Il) (b) Both (11) and (111)

(c) Both (1) and (IV) (d) Both (111) and (IV)

46 The correct order of increasing chemical reactivity of following metal is :

(a) Zn < Fe < Mg < K

(b) Fe < Zn < Mg < K

(c) Fe < Mg < K < Zn

(d) Fe < Mg < Zn < K

47 A convex lens forms a real and inverted image of a needle at a distance of 50cm from it. Where is the needle placed in front of the convex lens if the image is equal to the size of the object ?

(a) At 50cm in front of the convex lens.

(b) At 20cm in front of the convex lens.

(c) At 25cm in front of the convex lens.

(d) At 100cm in front of the convex lens.


48 Consider the following figure:

Select the type of lens in the given figure:

(a) Convex lens

(b) Concave lens

(c) Both

(d) None


Section-C consists of three cases followed by questions. There are a total of 12 questions in this section. Attempt any 10 questions from this section.

Case : Sodium chloride obtained from sea water or from lakes contains many impurities such as sulphates of sodium and magnesium along with chlorides of calcium and magnesium. The chlorides of calcium and magnesium particularly undesirable on account of their deliquescent nature. For its purification, common salt is dissolved in minimum quantity of water to get a saturated solution from which insoluble impurities are filtered off. The hydrogen chloride gas is passed through the saturated solution and the crystals of pure NaCl separate out the soluble impurities remain the mother liquor. The crystals are filtered, washed and dried. Sodium chloride is used as the raw materials for various chemical compounds like baking soda, caustic soda and bleaching powder etc.

49 Common salt besides being used in kitchen can also be used as the raw material for making :

(i) NaHCO3 (ii) CaOC12

(iii) CaSO4.2H2O (iv) NaOH

(a) i, ii

(b) i, iii

(c) Only iv

(d) i, ii, iv.

50 The compound which is used for removing the permanent hardness of water is:

(a) Baking Soda

(b) Washing Soda

(c) Bleaching Soda

(d) Lime Water

51 Sodium Chloride is a salt of:

(a) Weak acid and weak base

(b) Weak acid and strong base

(c) Strong acid and weak base

(d) Strong acid and strong base

52 Which of the following compound is used as antacid as well as in the preparation of Soda-acid fire extinguishers

(a) Sodium Sulphate

(b) Copper (II) Hydroxide

(c) Calcium Chloride

(d) Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate



The length of the small intestine differs in various animals depending on the food they eat. Herbivores eating grass need a longer small intestine. Meat is easier to digest, hence carnivores like tigers have a shorter small intestine.

The small intestine is the site of the complete digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It receives the secretions of the liver and pancreas for this purpose. Fats are present in the intestine in the form of large globules which make it difficult for the enzymes to act on them. Bile salts break them down into smaller globules increasing the efficiency of enzyme action.

53 Why herbivores have longer small intestine?

(a) To digest fats

(b) To digest proteins

(c) To digest cellulose

(d) To digest carbohydrates

54 What is the nature of food in the stomach and what is done for the pancreatic enzymes to act?

(a) Acidic, made more acidic

(b) Alkaline, made more alkaline

(c) Acidic, made alkaline

(d) Alkaline, made acidic

55 Which part of elementary canal receives bile from the liver?


(b)Small intestine

(c)Large Intestine


56 The inner lining of stomach is protected by one of the following from hydrochloric acid. Choose the correct one:

(a) Pepsin

(b) Mucus

(c) Salivary amylase

(d) Bile


The ray diagrams given ahead show the paths of a ray of light travelling from a medium M into different media 1, 2 and 3.  

57 In which of the three media, 1,2 or 3 light travels faster?

(a) 1

(b) 2

(c) 3

(d) Equal in all

58 In which of the three media, 1,2 or 3 light travels slower than in medium M?

(a) 1

(b) 2

(c) 3

(d) None of these

59 Arrange the media, 1,2, 3 in descending order of their speed of light through them.

(a) v3>v2>v1

(b) v1>v2>v3

(c) v2>v1>v3

(d) v1>v3>v2

60 Select the correct option in regards to the Refractive indices of the medium.

(a) n1>n2>n3

(b) n2>n1>n3

(c) n3>n2>n1

(d) n1>n3>n2

पेपर टिप्‍स: परीक्षा में टाइम मैनेजमेंट का रखें ख्याल

मेरठ, जागरण संवाददाता। सीबीएसई कक्षा 10वीं टर्म-वन परीक्षा में साइंस का पेपर गुरुवार दो दिसंबर को होगा। 10वीं के साइंस पेपर में फिजिक्स, केमिस्ट्री और बायोलाजी तीनों विषय से संबंधित प्रश्न पूछे जाते हैं। परीक्षार्थियों को अच्छी तैयारी के लिए जरूरी सुझाव दे रही हैं दीवान पब्लिक स्कूल की टीजीटी केमिस्ट्री व बायोलाजी सोनू वाधवा और टीजीटी फिजिक्स शालिनी शर्मा।

पेपर को समझें और तैयारी करें

सीबीएसई कक्षा 10वीं साइंस का 40 अंक का है। 90 मिनट का पेपर और 20 मिनट अतिरिक्त रीडिंग टाइम मिलेगा। कुल 60 प्रश्न होंगे जिनमें तीनों सेक्शन मिलाकर 50 प्रश्नों के उत्तर देने होंगे। फिजिक्स में 14 अंक, केमिस्ट्री में 16 अंक और बायोलाजी में 10 अंक अर्जित करने होंगे। सेक्शन एक-बी में 24 में 20 प्रश्न व सेक्शन-सी में 12 में 10 प्रश्नों के उत्तर देने हैं।

क्लास नोट और एनसीईआरटी की किताब ध्यान से पढ़ें। एनसीईआरटी में दिए गए प्रश्न, उदाहरण, अभ्यास प्रश्न और गतिविधियों को हल करें। एनसीईआरटी के एग्जम्पलर हल करते रहें। केंद्रीय विद्यालय की ओर से जारी प्रश्नपत्रों को हल करें। सीबीएसई के माडल पेपर ओएमआर शीट पर हल करें। डायग्राम बनाने का अभ्यास करते रहें। परीक्षा में टाइम मैनेजमेंट का ख्याल रखें। प्रश्न दो बार पढ़ें और उत्तर सटीक होने पर ही ओएमआर पर उत्तर इंगित करें।

फिजिक्स के लिए सुझाव

-फार्मूला ठीक से पढ़ें, डायग्राम में ऐरो का ध्यान रखें।

-न्यूमेरिकल हल करते समय नए काटीजियन साइन कंवेंशंस को याद रखें।

-एसआइ यूनिट ठीक से पढ़ें, नेचुरल फिनामिना और फिजिक्ल क्वालिटीज के उदाहरण में अंतर को समझें।

-मिरर और लेंस का कांसेप्ट क्लीयर रखें और इनके इस्तेमाल को सीखें।

-डिस्टेंट और डिस्टिंट के अंतर को ध्यान रखें।

-रिफ्रे क्टिव इंडेक्स, ग्लास प्रिज्म के सवाल ठीक से हल करें।

-लाइट पर स्नेल्स ला आफ रिफेक्शन का इस्तेमाल सावधानी पूर्वक करें।

बायोलाजी में यह ध्यान रखें

-दिए गए चित्र में पहचान के लिए डायग्राम को लेबल करना सीखें।

-फ्लो चार्ट पर आधारित प्रश्नों को तैयार कर अभ्यास करें।

-एनसीईआरटी से एक्टिविटी और केस आधारित प्रश्न तैयार करें।

केमिस्ट्री में मददगार सुझाव

-केमिकल इक्वेशंस को केवल लिख कर अभ्यास करें।

-केमिकल इक्वेशन को बैलेंस करने का अभ्यास करें।

-कुछ कामन साल्ट के नाम, फार्मूला, उनके रंग व इस्तेमाल को याद रखें।

-कामन कंपाउंड में कामन व केमिकल नामों को याद रखें।

-एनसीर्ईआरटी किताब में निहित गतिविधियों और उनके डायग्राम का अभ्यास करें।

सीबीएससी के कक्षा 10 SCIENCE के ऊपर दिए माडल पेपर की आंसर की नीचे दी गई है

Answer key

1. b

2. a

3. c

4. b

5. c

6. c

7. d

8. c

9. c

10. c

11. b

12. d

13. d

14. c

15. c

16. d

17. b

18. b

19. a

20. b

21. d

22. b

23. b

24. a

25. c

26. b

27. c

28. b

29. b

30. c

31. c

32. c

33. a

34. a

35. c

36. a

37. d

38. b

39. d

40. c

41. b

42. d

43. a

44. c

45. a

46. b

47. a

48. a

49. d

50. b

51. d

52. d

53. c

54. c

55. b

56. b

57. c

58. a

59. a

60. a

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